Welcome to the North Park University Physics and Engineering Department

Physics and Engineering: People


Photo of Linda McDonald
Name Linda McDonald (chair)
Email lmcdonald@northpark.edu
Phone (773) 244-5665
Office Carlson Tower, Rm. C-25A
Education B.S. 1975, University of Oklahoma (Physics)
M.S. 1977, University of Oklahoma (Radiological Sciences)
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Chicago (History of Physics)
Nuclear weapons proliferation, Olympism and the Olympic movement, history of physics
Photo of Johnny Lin
Name Johnny Lin
Email jlin@northpark.edu
Phone (773) 244-6266
Office Carlson Tower, Rm. C-26
Education B.S. 1990, Stanford University (Mechanical Engineering)
M.S. 1992, Stanford University (Civil Engineering-Water Resources)
Ph.D. 2000, UCLA (Atmospheric Sciences)
Tropical intraseasonal variability, Arctic sea-ice-atmosphere interactions, theory of parameterization in global climate models, ecological ethics, general science literacy
Climate Research Group

The links attached to the names will bring you to the home page or directory listing of the faculty member. See the description of teaching and research in the department for more information about the activities faculty are involved with.

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