Welcome to the North Park University Physics and Engineering Department

Physics and Engineering: Helwig Center Weather

Snapshot of Current Conditions

Location: The rooftop of the Helwig Recreation Center.

Values in tables as of: 04/14/21, 08:20:10.
Values in plots as of timestamp in "Over the Past Day" graphs.

Sunrise: 06:11. Sunset: 19:32. Moon: Waxing 4% Full.

NPU Forecast

Parameter Current Value
Temperature: 53.3 F
Apparent Temperature: 49.9 F
Humidity: 46 %
Wind Speed: 0.0 mph
Wind Direction: E
Wind Speed (10 min. avg.): 0 mph
Rain Rate: 0.43 in/hr

Parameter Current Value
Barometer: 30.137 in
Dewpoint: 33.1 F
UV Index: 0.0
ET: 0.000 in
Solar Radiation: 0 W/m2
Air Density: 1.245 kg/m3
Est. Cumulus
4616 ft

NPU Forecast Text: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.

Detailed Conditions

Wind Statistics

Parameter Current Value
Recent Avg. Wind: 0.0 mph
Recent Beaufort
Today's High
0.0 mph at 00:00

Rainfall Statistics

Parameter Current Value
Storm Total: 0.00 in since -------- -----
High Rain Rate: 0.43 in/hr at 00:00
Today's Cumul. Rain: 0.00 in
Monthly Cumul. Rain: 0.00 in
Yearly Cumul. Rain
(since MAR):
0.86 in

Over the Past Day

Parameter Current Value
High Temp.: 53.3 F at 00:00
Low Temp.: 53.3 F at 00:00
High Heat Index: 53.3 F at 00:00
Low Wind Chill: 53.3 F at 00:00
High Humidity: 46 % at 00:00
Low Humidity: 46 % at 00:00
High Dewpoint: 33.1 F at 00:00
Low Dewpoint: 33.1 F at 00:00
High Barometer: 30.150 in at 07:48
Low Barometer: 30.119 in at 05:37
High UV Index: -1.0 at 00:00
High Solar Rad.: -1000000 W/m2 at -----

Month to Date

Parameter Current Value
High Temp.: 53.3 F on 04/01/21
Low Temp.: 53.3 F on 04/01/21
High Rain Rate: 0.43 in/hr on 04/01/21

Over the Past Day

Archive Records

Data at Sub-Hour Intervals: 
Climatological Summaries: 

See the past week/month/year page for graphs of this archival data.

Data frequency: Sub-hour archive records prior to 21 August 2009 are provided in 5-minute intervals. Beginning with 21 August 2009, sub-hour archive records are provided at 30-minute intervals.

Text and image presentations of data: You may see a mismatch between text and image presentations of the data (where both are available). If so, this is probably because your browser is using a cached version of the images. Pressing refresh should fix the problem.

Cumulative reports and archives: Because of some incorrect data (described below), cumulative values in both the reports and archives may be incorrect. This includes:

  • Reports for 2009: There is no data prior to August, due to problems with the data processing server.
  • Reports for 2012 and 2013: There is no data from approximately October 2012 to February 2013, due to problems with the data processing server.

Bad data: While the list below is not exhaustive, data during the following periods, and all statistics calculating using that data, are known to be incorrect (local time in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm format):

  • All data prior to 2007-08-02 13:00: Station testing.
  • 2009-05-27 00:10 to 2009-05-27 08:50: Bad archive files.
  • 2009-06-16 21:25 to 2009-06-17 08:20: Bad archive files.
  • 2009-06-21 04:00 to 2009-06-21 16:50: Bad archive files.
  • 2009-06-21 16:00 to 2009-06-21 16:55: Bad archive files.
  • 2009-07-20 01:50 to 2009-07-20 02:40: Bad archive files.
  • 2009-08-19 19:00 to 2009-08-27 18:36: Problems with the data processing server.
  • 2010-10-27 to 2010-12-06: The main unit battery was dying, and so there are large periods spread throughout which are filled with bad data.
  • 2011-05 to 2012-04: The repeater transmitter battery was dying and the temperature and humidity sensors were failing, and so there are large periods spread throughout which are filled with bad data.
  • 2012-05 to 2012-06-14: Replacement station was undergoing testing, and so all data are indoor values.
  • 2012-10-24 13:31 to 2013-02-16 10:00: Problems with the computer that is processing the weather station's data.
  • 2013-04-18 14:30 to 2013-04-19 10:30: Loss of signal.
  • 2013-08-05 10:30 to 2013-08-09 10:00: Power outage and console down.
Station changes that affect the archives: The first station operated until 14 June 2012. A replacement station was installed 14 June 2012. All yearly cumulative data for 2012 are incorrect because of the station change and the purge of a few months of 2012 data from the first station. Both the first and second stations are the same make and model.

About the Graphics and Values on This Page

Temperatures: The heat index/wind chill describe how hot and how cold it feels, taking into account wind, etc. The apparent temperature accounts for heat index and wind chill to give the temperature a person would perceive.

Wind: Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing from.

Precipitation: The station has a rain gauge but not a snow gauge. That is, if it snows, the snow accumulates on the gauge and the liquid water equivalent of the snow is not recorded by the rain gauge until the snow melts (in contrast, for instance, to some snow gauges that have heaters to melt the snow). Thus, in winter, if the station records rainfall, you have to think for yourself, based upon the temperature and your own experience outside, whether this represents rain or melted snow.

Storm definition: A storm is defined as starting when the rain rate is greater than 0.05 in/hr. A storm is assumed to be finished when 12 hours have elapsed without any rainfall.

About the Station

Our station is a Davis Instruments Wireless Vantage Pro2 Plus™ with 24-Hr Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield. The approximate coordinates for the station are 41.97 deg N, 87.71 deg W, and 617 ft above sea level.

For photos and more information related to this and other weather stations at North Park, please see the department's weather index page and this more detailed description of the Helwig station.

A virtual GNU/Linux server retrieves the data via the Internet using wview 5.21.7, a collection of open-source (GPL) programs that interface with the data logger and generate the HTML pages. New data is uploaded to this page, and the web page is automatically refreshed, every 5 minutes.

Updated: Wednesday, 14-Apr-2021 06:20:10 PDT. Disclaimer. Valid CSS, HTML. Author: Johnny Lin, with portions generated by the program wview (written by Mark Teel and co-authors). The weather graphics on this page are licensed under the GNU General Public License.